Kia ora Tahuna!
It’s time to start living your best life! Living your best life can mean many things to many people. Your best life might involve learning more about yourself through self-exploration and psychological assessment, or your best life might involve setting a personal best time in a major athletic event, or maybe your best life begins as you transition out of Uni and into your career.
No matter what your best life looks like, Dr. Chris Neuenfeldt can help you get there. Dr. Chris’ training as a clinical psychologist has covered issues ranging from anxiety to zoophobia and everything in between. He has a passion for working with individuals who want to be “more than a diagnosis” and who strive to live their best life every day of every year.
As a client with Dr. Chris Neuenfeldt, you will get honest feedback and learn skills you can use the minute you leave the session. After all, you come to therapy one hour a week, and you live your life the other 167 hours you aren’t in the office.

"Resilience is not all or nothing. It comes in amounts. You can be a little resilient, a lot resilient; resilient in some situations but not others. And, no matter how resilient you are today, you can become more resilient tomorrow."
Dr. Karen Reivich
With You Every Step of the Way